My dishes are not coming out clean! Here's what you can check for.
Is your dishwasher not cleaning well?
It's recommended that you rinse off your dishes before entering them into the dishwasher. Failure to do so will eventually accomulate old food particles down below into the sump housing. When this happens, the food will plug up the passage ways which will prevent proper water pressure to spin the spray arms. When the spray arms don't spin, the water will not spray the dishes properly to clean them. Not only will this effect cleaning but will leave dry crusty spots on the glass. Also, you may notice that the dishwasher will have a bad odor inside and when it drains the water out as well.
This might be a touchy subject to some. The reason why I say touchy is because some people don't like being told how to load their dishwasher. For many years, they have their own special way of loading them. That being said, when loading your dishes incorrectly, this will cause your dishes to come out dirty.
I usually suggest my customers to load small dishes and cups on the top rack. While the big dishes in the bottom rear rack gradually getting smaller as you work your way up to the front part of the rack. The reason it's important to load bigger dishes in the rear is because it will allow the water to spray along the inside front panel where your dispenser flap with detergent is. If you load the bigger dishes in front, it will take most of the water spraying around the dispensor flap area preventing the deterent mixing in well. Also it can prevent the flap from openning causing no detergent to release. Don't leave any big pots or bowls upside down either on the racks because this will take most of the spray, allowing only the bowl to get clean and not the rest of the dishes.
Last, make sure you run the hot water from the sink before you run your dishwasher. This will allow your machine to inject hot water immediately into the dishwasher. The reason why, some houses take longer for the water to heat up and if thats the case your dishwasher will not clean properly with luke warm water. The water temperature should be around 120 degrees farenheit and no more than 150 to wash normal. Ignore this if you have instant hot water feeding to your machine.
Before I go, I would like to inform everyone that your dishwasher "DOES NOT" have a grinder that acts like a sink garbage disposal. It's nowhere near the strength of one. So please don't used it like one. Rinse off your dishes, but that doesn't necessarily mean clean them. Remove any chunky food particles when throwing left overs in the garbage and rinse off lightly any sauce or grease. Also check to make sure your glassware or tupperware are dishwasher safe. If the glass breaks or the plastic melts, this can break the propeller inside, cause intermittent drainning and have a burning smell from the melted plastic.
Please read your user care manual. As it will provide you with all the helpful tips you need to know about your machine. What I've mention in this article is just basic checks and information on how you can get the most out of your machine and make them last. But this information should not take you away from reading your manuals. So check these few things before you call for service. It might save you time and money.
For local appliance repair in Long Island NY, call us today! Amaro Appliance Service at (631)486-0782. We offer free service with repair! Plus new customers receive $15 Off on any repair. We are excited to have the opportunity in serving you and all your appliance needs.
By Josh (technician) Amaro Appliance Service